Eventually there comes a time when you have run out of all other topics about which to blog that you will find yourself blogging about a drum pump or some such. And believe you me there is no shame in finding yourself in this situation. Content creation is by no means an easy profession. Some people might disagree but I would bet you dollars to doughnuts that the people who hold the belief that content creation is easy have never had to create content on a consistent basis ever in their life. I know this because all content creators who are worth their salt have reached this point where they find themselves scraping the bottom of the barrel of their creativity.


And so you find yourself sitting down to your keyboard and having to come up with a three hundred word blog post about a drum pump. You know that no one will ever read the blog post (so that takes some of the pressure off). You know that the only purpose for the blog post is to provide content in which to embed key words and back links so as to optimize the content of another website.

But write the blog post you must. In a certain sense it does not even have to make sense so long as a web bot will not identify it as spam. But you also want to sign your content with your own signature of excellence even if no one (made of flesh and blood) will end up reading it. In fact, the very fact that no one will actually read it proves that you are a content creator worth your salt because you have signed it with your own signature of excellence despite this fact.